Why are my Petunias not blooming? – How to regrow stopped Petunias?
I just bought petunias for my garden, because I found them so amazing and beautiful. But I didn’t know why they started to turn brown and dry. Trust me, it’s disappointing for me and I did every possible thing to make my petunias bloom.
If you are too growing petunias and struggling why not it blooming, then you have reached to perfect page.
Yes! A bitter truth sometimes petunias won’t bloom at all or the way you expected them to. What to do in such a case? First of all, you don’t need to panic as I’ve shared the tricks and ways on how you will get back your petunias blooming. So sit back, and just keep reading!
Key takeaways:
- There are various reasons behind the not blooming nature of petunias such as excessive sunlight, very less sunlight, overwatering, underwatering, not providing moist soil, excess supply of fertilizer, and many more explained below.
- Petunias are all about beautiful color-popping blooms that appear from shining in the summertime.
- It’s obvious that the tender care needs some good care, especially the wave and trailing petunias.
- If you wish to bloom for a long time, then wave petunias are for you. It feels heartbreaking for the gardener if the petunias won’t bloom.
What do Petunias need to be “healthy”?
The petunias need a good amount of water to grow. They want regular watering if planted in the containers of hanging baskets. If planted in the ground, you need to water them deeply after every 7 days.
Though petunias don’t need much care and are a little hardy, watering them properly will ace the blooming game. Petunias can bloom all summer long but they demand good pampering for that.
Petunias don’t grow as perennial in many places except in USDA hardy zones 10 and 11 which are in some warm places in the US. Mostly petunias are grown as annuals and are being replaced by fresh ones every year.
Why are my Petunias not blooming?
There can be many reasons that your petunia is not blooming. The most important all is that petunias are not getting enough sunlight that they should.
- Sunlight is important to put the plant under stress and they bloom as a way of survival and reproduction. The full direct sun facing the petunias for 5-6 hours a day is effective to make them bloom.
- The other reason can be the petunias are not getting moist, well-drained soil.
- Petunias usually don’t need much water as they are drought tolerant but the soil needs to stay moist and not soggy otherwise the roots will rot. Give the buds of petunias a gentle shake so that the water stored in the edges or margins gets sprinkled off, as it can be a reason that the petunias are not blooming.
- Other than this, if you are not using fertilizer for petunias, it’s a sign that you need to fertilize them with a good quality phosphorus fertilizer with a 10-30-10 proportion ratio of NPK, which will help petunias to bloom.
Tricks That Will Make Your Petunias Bloom
1. Sunlight
Petunias can be made to bloom if they are in full sunlight. The plants will need some shade during the afternoon when the heat gets strings and might affect the leaves and tender flowers.
You can move the potted plant to a shady spot, or make sure a long plant is near the petunias which provide shade during the peak hour of the day.
The petunias if grown indoors need to be placed near the window with good sunlight, if not you need to provide them with light till the sun goes down. Sunlight is a very important component if you want petunias to bloom.
2. Water
The wave petunias get thirsty often and drink a lot of water in that sunny spot. You need to water them whenever the soil feels dry. You need to make sure an inch of the lower surface soil is dry before watering the plant. If in the case of potted wave petunias, they like to spread out stems while others form clusters at the top end, you need to water them as the soil gets dry quickly due to drainage. In hanging baskets, you need to lift them and check if it’s heavy to still have water and light- don’t have enough water.
While watering makes sure the foliage and the young flower buds don’t get wet, as prolonged wetness will cause them to rot or lead to fungal infection, killing the bud and the flowers will not appear. Petunias need deeply drenched watered soil to flower. If you can’t give them a regular supply, go for deep watering one time a week with good drainage.
3. Cutting back
Cut back the used blooms and foliage that look old and dull. This will help the wave petunias to bloom more in the next flowering season. You need to cut the plant by half of the length of neat soil so that the plant forms more stems. Wilting can be prevented by providing them with enough water.
In case you don’t want to cut off the plant to this length, deadheading and clipping off the old blooms and old weathered leaves respectively will let the wave petunias bloom better and the number of flowers also increases.
4. Fertilizer
Provide good water-soluble high-quality balanced fertilizer categorized as a bloom booster or flowering booster for annuals. Learn about the dosage needed to be provided by an expert and stick to the schedule.
Final thoughts on the context
Petunias have so many colorful flowers that are super showy and it feels really bad if they don’t bloom or suddenly stop. We have put all the tricks that are best to bring back your petunias to flower. You are required to provide them with good space as overcrowded petunias can get infected or rot due to staying suffocated for a long time. Provide them a doo amount of water one time a week, and fertilizer if the soil is not nourished or of high quality. Try these tricks that are given above and your petunias will bloom for sure.
1. Will petunias come back after dying?
If treated well and cared for properly by getting enough sunlight, a good amount of water with drainage, and fertilizer, there is a high chance that the petunias will come back even after dying in winter.
2. What month do petunias stop blooming?
Petunias are seen blooming from the time of spring season until winter. The plants are usually grown as annuals in most regions except in zones 9 to 11 where they are grown as tender perennials. Petunias die under a temperature of 56 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Why are my petunias turning yellow and dying?
Petunias, if they stay weak, can be infected by the tobacco mosaic virus, which can lead to yellowing of the leaves. Petunias die at low temperatures and turn yellow when the sunlight is not enough, the soil is not fertilized well, or lacks water in deep layers. All these can be reasons that petunias are dying.
4. How do you make bushy petunias?
Petunias can be made bushy by cutting back the petunias about half the length of the plant or trimming down the branches of petunias.