White Spots On Pothos Leaves: Causes and Fixes

Describing another content, focusing on a more important topic for which you may search so many times. Here’s the answer to your problem. We will talk about white spots on pothos leaves, their causes, and how to fix them on your own. Through this content, you will get to know why it will turn white spots on the leaves and how you will conquer it. 

Growing pothos is one of the amazing additions to your home garden but what’s wrong when the plant develops white spots on its leaves? It is because of the low sunlight conditions or the lack of nutrients supply to the plants which causes white spots on pothos leaves. Some of the causes behind this can be Sunburn, Pest Infestation, Quality of Water, Temperature Shock, etc. 

So let’s move forward to the main causes of the white spots on pothos leaves. And also the preventions that will help in fixing these issues. 

White Spots On Pothos Leaves: Causes and Fixes

What is a White Pothos called?

As mentioned, various varieties of pothos can be grown in your home garden. Some of the pothos that have white variegation can be easily grown in your area. 

One of the famous varieties is the Marbel Oueen Pothos which tends to cherish you with this amazing green-colored foliage and white variegation. The pattern of this plant is amazing and contrasts well with the other plants in the home garden. 

Another variety is the Manjula Pothos which is a hybrid of both the N’Joy pothos and the Marble Queen pothos. The color of the variegation may vary from variety to variety like white, silver, green, cream, etc. 

You might have heard of another variety of pothos named Pears and Jade that too come in the category of white Pothos that will provide you with the dark green colored foliage in the plant with some white hues on it. 

Causes of White Spots On Pothos Leaves And How To Fix

So finally, we are here to know about the causes of the white spots on the Pothos leaves. One of the common issues that is faced by them is the sling of the green pigments.

Of course, only the plant is suffering from such an issue right? So, let’s move forward to learn about those causes in detail and some of the best ways to fix them. They are as follows: 

Incorrect Watering 

It is one of the causes of fight sports on pothos leaves. It is because of the pale hue that is caused on the leaves. One of the causes is overwatering and because of this, the plant’s roots are not getting proper nutrients to grow well.

White Spots On Pothos Leaves: Causes and Fixes

The plant will face root rot as there is no supply of oxygen in the plant to the roots. Damaged roots will show you that no functions are going on in the plant. Also, it tends to curl the leaves of the plant so you need to prevent them. 

How to Fix:

  • Fix this issue by thoroughly watering the plant until extra water comes from the drainage holes.
  • Drain the excess water from the pot as it will help keep the pot away from root rot.
  • Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. So for that, check the moisture of the soil before watering the plant.
  • Insert the finger inside the side about 2 inches deep and if it feels dry then is the right time to water your plant
  • Keep in mind to let the soil dry and not to keep the water stand in the plant as well. 

Low or too much Sunlight

Are you sure if you’re feeding proper sunlight to your plant you know that this plant requires to grow in bright indirect sunlight for its growth, but it will begin to turn its foliage white

If it is not receiving the proper amount of sunlight as you know the plant uses the process of photosynthesis which feeds them food from sunlight, but if there will be lack of sunlight, then the plant will not be able to generate its food. 

And if there is too much supply of sunlight, then it will cause sunburn in the plant which will cause damaged leaves. So to prevent your plant, you have to fix the issues.

How to Fix:

  • As you know the plant is not receiving sufficient sunlight, so place the plant in a location where it receives bright, but indirect sunlight for its growth.
  • Try to keep the plant near the east-facing window or the west-facing window so that it receives plenty of sunlight.
  • Also, make use of artificial grow lights that will help in feeding the plant.
  • If the plant is receiving too much sunlight, then keep it in a location, where it receives only filtered sunlight before that you can make use of curtains. 
White Spots On Pothos Leaves: Causes and Fixes

Pests Infestation

It is another cause of white spots on pothos leaves. Yes, pests tend to come to plants to suck the fluid from the leaves to satisfy the hunger and one of the issues is the fungal disease named powdery mildew

It is caused by various diseases and you will also fight fungus on the stems and the leaves. It happens because of the excess supply of humidity to the plant.

How to Fix:

  • Increase the airflow around your plant by opening the windows or you can use a fan.
  • It will help stop the spread of this powdery mildew in your plant.
  • Also, have to make use of DIY fungicide by mixing baking soda with the neem oil and spraying it on your plant. 
  • You have to do this every week till you see There is no white fungus on the plant leaves. 

Soil condition

Soil conditions matter a lot to the growth of the plant. It is another cause of white spots on pothos leaves. The plant is not able to extend its roots so that it can collect the nutrients and water to grow. 

And it turns leaves pale in the plant which fades even more with time. Also, if there is excess sand in the soil, then it will prevent the water from coming to the plant. 

White Spots On Pothos Leaves: Causes and Fixes

How to Fix:

  • You can add some Coco coir and perlite to the soil which will make it porous and helps in improving its drainage.
  • Also, it will help in letting the plant gain nutrients from the water by boosting the soil cation exchange capacity. 
  • Also, use a high-quality soil mix for your plant.
  • If you feel that the plant is not having the right soil, then you can change the location of the plant with the new potting mix in it. 

Humidity issues 

It is another cause of white spots on pothos leaves. I know that this plant requires a high level of humidity to grow well, whereas if the plant is not receiving a sufficient amount of humidity then it is not good for its growth. 

So if the plant is receiving low humidity climate conditions then it will of course result in the bleached leaves And it will turn the leaves yellow. 

How to Fix:

  • It is important to fix this issue so that you will receive a healthy plant. You have to increase the level of humidity in the plant.
  • You can make use of a humidifier and use it for all the plants that are not receiving a proper supply of humidity.
  • Or you can place a pebble tray with water and the plant so that the level of humidity increases. 

Lack of Nutrients

Nutrients are required by the plant to grow at its best and one of the important nutrients is iron. 

It will help in producing chlorophyll in the plant which gives pigmentation to the leaves to turn their color green. So if the plants in the pot will not receive sufficient iron, the leaves will turn white. 

How to Fix:

  • So, make use of general-purpose fertilizer for fertilizing your plant.
  • It will help in providing a good amount of nutrients to the plant and this is the best solution to your problem.
  • Last, but not least, make use of compost and other organic matter by adding it to the soil which will enhance its nutrient capacity. 

How To Prevent Pothos From White Spots?

Below are the preventive measures to follow so that the pothos remain away from the white spots. They are as follows:

  • Provide a sufficient amount of sunlight to the plant for about 12 to 14 hours a day.
  • Remove the dead and decayed leaves from the plant so that there is no infection in the plant.
  • Repot the plant when necessary when the roots are overgrowing and are coming out from the drainage holes. 
  • At the time of repotting, keep in mind that you are not giving transplant shock to the plant.
  • Last, but not least, you can add organic matter to the soil to let the soil grow its best. 

Summing up the Context 

In this guide, you learn that Growing pothos is one of the amazing additions to your home garden but what’s wrong when the plant develops white spots on its leaves? It is because of the local sunlight conditions or the lack of nutrients supply to the plants which causes white spots on pothos leaves. 

As you know Some of the causes behind this can be Sunburn, Pest Infestation, Quality of Water, Temperature Shock, etc. So, last but not least, I hope now you will be able to prevent the white spots on pothos leaves. 

Thanks for reading! Happy Gardening! 


What is the white powdery substance on pothos leaves?

The white substance that you will observe on the pothos leaves is the powdery mildew. It is because of the excess supply of humidity to the plants. 

What are the white webs on my pothos?

The white webs on the pothos show the attack of spider mites on the plant. It is not good for the health of the plant as the spider mites will suck the fluid from the leaves and weaken the plant. 

Can a plant recover from fungal infection?

Yes, you can recover the plant from the fungal infection. You have to treat it on time by using the best preventive measures. 

Anna Scott

Anna Scott loves gardening and has been doing it for a long time. She wants to help new gardeners learn from her experience. Through her writing, she shares tips and advice on how to make gardens beautiful. Anna hopes her words will inspire new gardeners to succeed.

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