Are Marigolds Perennials or Annuals? Everything you should know about them 

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I hope you are doing great in your gardening field. Today I am here with most of the gardener’s queries regarding marigolds. One of the loaded queries that Gardners ask, are marigolds perennials or annuals. Marigolds are considered one of the palpable and famous flowers that can be grown easily in your home garden.

The answer is both; some people tend to grow them as annuals whereas some as perennials. Marigolds belong to the sunflower family. There are more than 49 species that might not have been grown in your home garden, but trust me they are amazing.

So let’s move forward to throw some light topic, are marigolds perennials or annuals in detail. 

Are Marigolds Perennials or Annuals

Are Marigolds Perennials or Annuals? 

As mentioned marigolds are considered as annual plants because they are grown like them but some species of marigolds are considered as perennials. So the answer to the question if marigolds are perennials or annuals is that marigolds are both perennials and annuals as well. 

Most of its species are annuals, whereas some of them are perennials. Marigolds are best known for their self-seeding nature, which makes them perennials. It is because they will return to the place the next year where you grow them earlier. 

In some cases, perennials and self-seeding plants are considered differently. Take an example, if the self-seeding plant will not be able to drop the seeds, then it won’t return in the next year which makes it a non-perennial plant. 

Marigold varieties are numerous, so you can grow more varieties every year, as they are the easiest plants to grow in your home garden and will grow in any type of soil provided to them. 

What are Marigolds? 

Marigold is derived from the English word “Mary’s Gold”. Marigolds are one of the herbs that do not have visible stems around them. 

The charming part of the marigolds is their colors which look attractive to everyone. It tends to produce long leaves in the plant that are hairy from all sides. 

So, growing the marigolds will add an aesthetic look to your home garden and also has various benefits that will be explained later in this guide. 

Are Marigolds Perennials or Annuals

About Annual Marigolds

Most of the species of marigolds are grown as annuals and one of those best is African American and French marigolds. These varieties of marigolds tend to bloom at the time of summer and last till the end of the frost. 

Marigolds are self-seeding and will come back in the next year. So growing them will benefit a lot. Do not prune the Marigolds for at least one month before the frost. See the magic of developing flowers into seed heads. 

Also, collect the seeds when the marigolds burst and drop the seeds and you can grow them by yourself in the garden area. 

About Perennial Marigolds

As I already told you most farmers tend to grow marigolds as annuals, but some varieties are grown as perennials in the garden like the shrubs that are native to Mexico

So, let’s know about some of the best perennial marigolds that can be grown in your home garden, but might not be available in the market so you can buy them online. They are as follows:

Are Marigolds Perennials or Annuals

Mountain marigold

  • It is one of the varieties that is semi-evergreen and produces amazing foliage in the plant. 
  • It tends to grow about 3 feet high. 
  • It is a dedicated plant that produces golden color blooms in the home garden.
  • Its USDA hardiness zones are 8 to 10. 

Mexican mint marigold

  • Mexican mint Marigold is also one of the perennial Marigolds that will grow about 1 to 3 feet high.
  • It is even known as T. lucida scientifically.
  • This variety of marigolds is used in the household and for making teas. 
  • Its USDA hardiness zone is 8 to 10.

Mexican Marigold

  • It is Scientifically known as T. Lemmonii which tends to grow about 6 feet high.
  • You will observe its yellow color blooms in the garden area that tend to attract the pollinators towards them.
  • Its USDA hardiness zone is 8 to 10.

Benefits of Growing Marigolds 

There are various benefits of growing marigolds in your home garden. Some of them are as follows:

  • Being a drought-resistant plant, they require more water at the beginning, but they will perform well in hot environments.
  • They are considered low-maintenance plants, so growing them is an easy task.
  • They tend to attract pollinators towards the garden, and also attract butterflies towards them.
  • Even they add a magical look to your home garden that will look attractive.
  • It tends to have some uses in households like they can be used in the kitchen. 
  • Marigolds will suit best as the cut flowers in the garden.
  • Last, but not least marigolds are considered the best companion plants to be grown with other plants helpfully. 

How To Plant and Care for Marigold Seeds | The Family Handyman

Where Do Marigolds Grow?

Now the question arises where do marigolds grow? As I mentioned in the above guide marigolds are native to Mexico, and even some varieties like calendula are native to Western Europe. 

Marigolds are one of the famous plants. They are grown by every farmer all around the world. Provide proper attention so that the plant grows healthy. Feed them with the basic requirements and nutrition so that they do not struggle. 

At the time of winter, you might be able to keep them as perennials, whereas they are considered as annuals in most regions. 

Wrapping up the context 

In this guide, you come to know that one of the loaded queries that Gardners asks is if the marigolds are perennials or annuals. Marigolds are considered as one of the appreciable and famous flowers that can be grown easily in your home garden.

The answer to this question is both as some people tend to grow them as animals whereas some as perennials marigolds are the varieties that belong to the sunflower family. There are more than 49 species that might not have been tried in your home garden, but trust me they are amazing. So, read the whole guide for its proper understanding. 

Thanks for reading! Happy Gardening!

Anna Scott

Anna Scott loves gardening and has been doing it for a long time. She wants to help new gardeners learn from her experience. Through her writing, she shares tips and advice on how to make gardens beautiful. Anna hopes her words will inspire new gardeners to succeed.

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