How often to water Begonias? (Indoors and Outdoors)

If you have begonias in your house, do you know how often you should water them, whether they’re kept indoors or outdoors? Many of you might already know this, but may have experienced struggles due to accidentally over or under watering begonias.

For all plant lovers, whether you’re already struggling with begonias or considering growing them, it’s essential to understand their watering needs.

To assist you in planting and nurturing begonias successfully, I’ve outlined all the steps for watering them both outdoors and indoors. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to ask in the comment section below.

Key takeaways:

  • Begonia species belonging to the family Begoniaceae and a genus of perennials flowering plants that have beautiful shades of flowers.
  • Begonias love humidity and thrive well both indoors and outdoors but indoors need some extra care like the presence of a humidifier.
  • If you want begonias to stay bright and beautiful, watering them properly is important.
  •  You will see begonias reaching a height of 10-12 inches with pretty flowers and are a great addition to the garden.
  • Other than humidity and appropriate care, the moist well-drained soil is perfect to grow begonias. Begonias still seem to thrive well in dry conditions.
  • Begonias still seem to thrive well in dry conditions.
  • Water begonias sufficiently so that they grow great. You have to water begonias at least once a time in a week.

Let’s see how you will be watering the begonias correctly to give them absolute care. 

How often to water Begonias? (Indoors and Outdoors)

The begonias in the younger stage of growth want more water and moist soil that is well-drained for at least every day in a week. This supply of water should be reduced by first checking the soil dryness and then going for watering the begonias. You mustn’t overwater the begonias which will call for fungal infections. 

Other than these factors like humidity, temperature, length of the plant, quality, and type of soil, the pot used also decides to water the begonias. The top 1-2 inches of soil should be dry if you are planning to water the begonias. In summer, you need to water the begonias every 2-3 days if they are outside or once a week if planted inside where the sunlight is not that direct and strong. 

Watering the Outdoor Begonias

The outdoor conditions in the midsummer to midfall can give some harsh direct dry conditions to begonias which can dry them out. The begonias in such cases need to be watered frequently, especially if they are not in a shady spot. 

The container begonias will need more water than in the ground as they have much drainage and the soil gets dry quickly outside. 

Watering the Indoor Begonias

Begonias when being planted indoors should be grown in containers with drainage holes and watered whenever the soil is dry, otherwise, they will be overwatered and rot.

On the cooler days, begonias get slow with their growth, and watering too much will create more trouble for them.

You need to water after every 15-20 days to keep them safe from getting dormant. In the spring season, you need to give them regular watering but not too much.

Using a humidifier while keeping begonias indoors will prevent the air from getting dry and be a healthy environment for begonias.

When to water begonias? 

Water begonias when necessary, because if you water them daily, there are chances they will sog. The plant also cannot thrive well in too-dry soil. It is safe if you water begonias one time every 2-3 days so that the soil stays moist and gets back dried out moisture again.

The right time to water begonias in a day is in the morning. The morning watering will soak the soil deeply and the wet leaves will be dried by noon so that no fungal diseases can occur. 

Watering the Begonias Seedlings

Begonias seedlings are in the tender stage so need good damp soil but too much pressure can kill and bend them. While watering make sure the seedlings don’t get too wet and look at the soil if it’s getting dry quickly that means the seedlings are in clusters.

Frequent watering will help the seedlings grow, but make sure it is light and doesn’t damage the begonias. Daily watering is advised for the begonias seedlings, spray some water on the soil in between if the temperature is high. 

Signs of overwatered Begonias 

  • The overwatering of begonias happens when the soil stays damp with too much water and for too long.
  • The soil having poor draining can also cause overwatering of begonias. Due to this, the root gets infected by fungus.
  • You need to cut down water and move the begonias to a pot with good drainage holes.
  • The roots that appear soft, blackish to brown need to be removed before moving to another pot.
  • Overwatering begonias can be deadly, so make sure the soil is dry when you water them.

Signs of underwatered begonias

  • Begonia shows wilting if they are not watered properly, and are underwater.
  • If the top inches of soil feel dry, they need water as water has already evaporated.
  • Leaves get dull and super dry on high temperatures and full sunny days, in such cases, water begonias need the soil with a watering pot. 

Best Location For Begonias in Your Home:

For planting begonias as your houseplant you need to know what will be the best location so that they grow quickly and in a healthy way. Following are some points which will help you to find the best location for planting begonias:

  • The beginners are the plants that need bright but indirect light. 
  • So you need to find a spot near a large window where you have put a curtain so that the plant is protected from any direct sunlight. 
  • If you provide the plant with direct light it will burn their leaves. 
  • If you compare the light that comes to indoors and which is outside the home light is reduced so don’t keep the plant in a dark corner either. 
  • In the winter season, you need to provide the plant with extra light that you can drive from a lamp with the help of a full spectrum bulb that should be done for 14 hours per day.
  • The begonias are the plants that love to bloom and temperatures between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  • Make sure to keep the plant away from drafty doors and Windows

When to Re-pot Begonia:

To need to make sure of repotting the begionas as they do get root bounded if not potted in a bigger pot. The conditions of repotting come when the plant is kept damped into to soil after watering it then you need to repot it. 

In the case of planting new begonia in the boat make sure to pot them in the largest pot by buying new from a nursery Store but in case it is not yet root-bound then you can put the plant in the same size as the pot. 

The begonias are considered a perfect house plant and do have a good way of bouncing back from Critical situations. They are used to growing quickly and healthy but you need to just be a little careful and put them in a good location. 

Popular Varieties:

Here are some popular varieties of begonias:

Wax Begonias:

  • They grow in a group of fibrous begonias having fleshy, waxy leaves that bloom in small red, pink, or white. 
  • They are used to grow about 6-12 inches tall and wide. 
  • They are able to grow in a lot of heat and sun resulting a summer plants. 

Tuberous Begonias:

  • This begonias variety does bloom with green or maroon leaves.
  • The flowers of the plant bloom with different colors such as pink, yellow, red, and white.
  • They are used to grow in bright sunlight, but do also prefer part shade or filtered light.

Angel Wing Begonias:

  • Planting angle wing begonias is also a great option.
  • They are used to bloom with large leaves that look like angel wings.

Rex Begonias:

  • The begonias plants are used to bloom with large leaves having beautiful patterns on it.
  • They are able to bloom outdoors in containers or indoors.
  • You need to maintain the temperature below 75ºF.

Concluding the article

Begonias are great houseplants and some species of begonias like wax begonias are great choices for creating beautiful landscapes, as they fill the space quickly and well. The blooms light up your garden and corner. For healthy begonias, watering is vital and we have uploaded all the information that you should have on how to water begonias. Enjoy planting Begonias! 


1. Can you overwater begonias?

You can overwinter begonias when the sun is shining and full direct light is heating and drying up begonias. Otherwise, the roots staying in water for too long will get rotten and show drooping of many parts of begonias plants. 

2. Do begonias like sun or shade?

Begonias thrive best in full sun to partial shade. The afternoon sun is harsh on begonias and they need partial shade at this time. The begonias also get dense in full sun, 4-6 hours of sunlight is suggested for the healthy growth of begonias. 

3. Should you mist begonias?

Misting the begonias doesn’t help that well, as the foliage might get fungal diseases if kept moist multiple times. The begonias love humidity but the misting of the begonias will trigger the fungal infection also you need to mist them numerous times to reach the humidity level they need. 

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