Watering Poinsettias: How Often to Water Poinsettias (+Caring tips)

Hey folks! Welcome back! 

I hope your flowers and plants are growing at their best in your garden area with your efforts. In my previous articles, I describe the sunlight need for poinsettias and today I am here with another important guide for you that will help in growing healthy plants in the garden area. So, growing poinsettias is not a difficult task to do, what’s tricky is its caring especially when it comes to watering poinsettias. 

Benign a small shrub it tends to grow in the forests of Mexico but also people grow this in their winter gardens. Poinsettias tend to bloom at the time of mid of the November till January and especially appear in the homes on the eve of Christmas. So, you have to water the plants properly so that you can enjoy their benefits. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s proceed to understand the process of watering poinsettias and how often to water poinsettias. 

Watering Poinsettias: How Often to Water Poinsettias

How Often to Water Poinsettias? 

The general rule of thumb for watering The plant is to check the moisture of the soil. Same thing you have to apply to the poinsettias. Now we will know how often to water poinsettias.

It is suggested to check the moisture of the soil by putting your finger inside this while about an inch deep. Then if you feel that that’s why it is dry to touch it indicates that the plant needs water.

So, water the plants at that time until the water flows out from the bottom of the pot. Also, remove the excess water from the soil. As this plant is used as a decorative plant you have to remove its cover gently. Then you can take the plant to the sink and water it there then put the poinsettias back in its place.

Keep in mind not to overwater the poinsettias or underwater them. In both situations, the plant will not be able to breathe and will be damaged with time by causing root rot in the plant.

How Much Water Do Poinsettias Need? 

Now the question arises how much water do poinsettias need? As I mentioned overwatering and underwatering of plants is not beneficial for the plants. So you should be aware of the right amount of supply of water for the plants so that they grow well and you enjoy the benefits.

Watering Poinsettias: How Often to Water Poinsettias

So by checking the moisture of the soil, you can come to know how much to water them. Also by checking the pot, you can come to know if it needs water. You have to check if the pot is light and can be easily lifted then it needs water. Keep in mind to let the soil moist, but not overwet. 

Keep checking the plant regularly because, at the time of summer, the plant requires more water as compared to winter. It will let you know how much water it needs.

How Do You Water a Poinsettias? 

Do you know how can you water Poinsettias? If yes, then you are doing great in your card in the field, and if not then I am here to let you know. When you choose the pot for your poinsettias, that time you have to check that it has a good amount of drainage holes.

If it has only one drainage hole, then you have to poke a hole in the airport so that the soil dreams properly and the plant grows healthy. If you have used any decorative foil in the plant, then remove it as it is not like the poinsettias because it holds the water in the plant.

The right way to water The plant is by keeping it in the sink of the kitchen. Then you have to keep watering the plant unless the water flows out from the drainage holes.

Keep the plant in the sink so that the excess moisture from the pot drains properly. Then you can place the plant in its position. Provide your plant with a sufficient amount of sunlight and keep them away from the cold draft so that they attain a good height and you receive plenty of benefits. 

Tips for Watering Poinsettias

As promised, I will let you know about the best tips for watering poinsettias. So follow them. They are as follows: 

Watering Poinsettias: How Often to Water Poinsettias

Don’t let water stand in the saucer

The first thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to keep the standing water in the plant’s saucer. It will cause root rot in the plant by damaging the roots of the plant and you will lose your plant.

Make sure water can drain through decorative foils 

As you know who is, it has already come in the rapped soil which helps the plant to hold the water which directly results in the non-drainage of the water, which leaves the water sitting in the plant.

So if you want to keep the wrap on the plant, then you have to keep in mind that the pot can drain easily. You can do so by making holes in the bottom of the wrapper. 

Avoid overwatering

As you know overwatering leads to damage to plants. So with this perspective, you have to keep in mind that you do not have to water the plants regularly or more often. 

Simply water them when they need water and you will come to know by checking the moisture of the soil. 

Watering Poinsettias: How Often to Water Poinsettias

How do you take Care of Poinsettias indoors?

Caring for a plant is not a difficult task. All it needs is your efforts and attention towards the plant. It is not a high-maintenance plant so you can maintain its growth easily. You have to follow the below caring tips: 

Sunlight needs

  • This plant will grow well in warm areas so you have to provide it with a good amount of sunlight to keep them growing.
  • You can keep them near the radiator, but not near the draughts like fireplaces. 
  • Also keep them away from the cold draft, which will we can to lose the leaves of the plant. 
  • Lastly, you can try to keep the poinsettias in a place where there is shelter. 

Humidity and temperature needs

  • The ideal temperature range of this plant is 15 to 22°F. 
  • By providing the level of temperature range to them you will observe its blooms very soon.
  • Keeping it in the bedroom or living room will provide them with the right temperature.
  • Keep the plant away from the direction of light as it will burn the leaves. 

Watering needs

  • This plant requires a moderate level of watering like rainwater which is less in minerals which makes it the perfect choice for this plant. 
  • You can decrease the level of mineral content of tap water if you are living in a hard-drinking water region by boiling the water. 
  • Be cautious while watering this plant as overwatering will lead to the plant root rot. 
Watering Poinsettias: How Often to Water Poinsettias

Inspect the leaves

  • Last, but not least, keep inspecting your leaves and add this to your caring routine.
  • So when you observe yellow-colored leaves in the plant, it is a sign that you are not watering the plant properly. 

Wrapping up the context 

In this guide, you come to know that growing poinsettias is not a difficult task to do, what’s tricky is it’s caring especially when it comes to watering poinsettias. 

Being a small shrub it tends to grow in the forests of Mexico but also people grow this in their winter gardens. Poinsteiits tend to bloom at the time of mid of November till January and especially appear in homes on the eve of Christmas. So, you have to water the plants properly so that you can enjoy their benefits.

Thanks for reading! Happy gardening!

Anna Scott

Anna Scott loves gardening and has been doing it for a long time. She wants to help new gardeners learn from her experience. Through her writing, she shares tips and advice on how to make gardens beautiful. Anna hopes her words will inspire new gardeners to succeed.

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