How Often Should I Water My Orchid-Make Them Bloom

Do you have orchids in your garden? Well, I do, and trust me, it’s not easy to maintain their beauty. There are a lot of basic requirements you need to fulfill. I followed all of them—sunlight, fertilizer, temperature, etc.—but I still failed. Do you know why? I missed an important and daily requirement. Can you guess what that is? It’s the water.

Yes, I know it’s important—who could even miss that? But truthfully, I did water them, I just didn’t know how often to do it. I used to water them whenever I remembered, and if I forgot, they went without water. I know that’s not the way to make orchids bloom perfectly. So, after researching, I found the correct way and amount to water orchids.

Here, I have explained all the important factors and methods for watering orchids so that you can make your orchids bloom too. So, let’s not waste time and save our orchids.

How to water an orchid?

Orchids require regular watering to stay healthy. If you live in a dry climate, you might only need to water your orchid once a week. If you live in a humid climate, you will likely need to water your orchid more frequently.

Start by checking the soil moisture level and adjusting the watering accordingly. Generally speaking, orchid roots will absorb water from the soil up to six inches deep. Soaker hoses can be used to water orchids near a faucet.

How Often Should I Water My Orchid

Watering Orchids Based on Their Roots

  • If you come to learn that the watering of orchids depends on their roots, then that will be the best water system for your orchids.
  • In the case of orchids, they suffer from underwater, and rather than over-watering, it is important to water, the orchids properly. 
  • Also, an excess supply of water will cause Root rot in the plant. 
  • You have to water the orchids at the bottom of their roots so that the route sums up the water for the growth of the plant.
  • Mounted orchids will require more water as compared to unmounted orchids.

How to Water Orchids in Moss? 

As You know sphagnum moss is one of those substances that holds water for long as compared to the bark. 

Growing orchids in this medium will suit them best, especially for the young ones. But not good for the hard-rooted plants.

So the rule of thumb for watering orchids plant imports from which sphagnum moss is to feed them with water until the water flows out from the drainage holes. Till that time you have to keep watering the plant. 

How Often Should I Water My Orchid

When to water an orchid?

Orchids are a type of succulent that can tolerate dry conditions, but they do need to be watered regularly.

A good rule of thumb is to water an orchid every week, but you may need to water it more often in warm weather.

Factors That Affect Watering

Do you know what factors tend to affect the watering system of a plant? If not, then you should be aware of it. 

So, let’s throw some light on those factors that will let you know what is affecting the watering of the plant in detail. They are as follows:

  1. Species
  2. Temperature
  3. Humidity
  4. Airflow

Let’s get started to know about them in more detail: 


  • Firstly, it is required to know about the species. You are growing in your home garden particularly.
  • It is because every orchid requires different caring for their growth, so it becomes challenging.
  • Sometimes you may overwater plants or underwater plants, but you are not aware of which species you have grown.
  • So grow the varieties that suit your location and grow 1 to 2 varieties of your favorites for better results so that you care for them properly


  • This plant requires a good amount of temperature for the well growth.
  • As if the temperature will be more than the requirement of the water for the plants will be more. 


  • Humidity is a vital factor that plays a major role in affecting the watering of a plant.
  • It is because if the humidity is higher then the requirement of water will be less.
  • Most of the gardeners make use of pebble trees filled with water to increase the humidity in the plants.


  • Last, but not least airflow also plays in role in the watering of a plant.
  • Orchids will grow well if you provide them with a good amount of airflow.
  • But if the airflow is more then they will dry more.
  • So at that time the intensity of watering, the plant will become more.

Tips for watering orchids

Watering your orchid is a delicate balance. Over-watering can cause the roots to rot while under-watering can kill the plant. Follow these tips to ensure your orchid stays healthy and happy:

Check the soil moisture level

  • If it feels dry, wait until the next day to water.
  • Orchids prefer moist soil, but not wet.
  • If the ground is wet, only water enough to moisten the surface.

Water from below

  • Soil levels in the pot should be marked with a pencil so you know where to stop watering when you finish filling up the pot.
  • Use a gentle spray from below to wet all of the root zone and let it soak in for about two minutes.
  • Don’t drench the plant; let just a few drops of water trickle out of the roots after watering.

Don’t forget new growth!

  • New orchids need more water than older plants because they are growing rapidly and extracting more moisture from their surroundings.
  • Give them a drink once a week during active growth and every other week during resting growth.
How Often Should I Water My Orchid

Mistaking orchids for other plants

A common question orchid growers ask is how often should they water their plants. Although this varies depending on the type of orchid, most orchids will require water at least once a week. They are as follows:

  1. Overwatering orchids
  2. Underwatering orchids

1. Overwatering orchids

One of the most common problems with orchids is over-watering. Too much water can cause root rot, wilting, and even dieback in some cases. Follow these guidelines to prevent overwatering your orchid:

-Monitor the soil moisture level regularly and adjust the watering frequency as needed.
-Never water from the bottom of the pot. Instead, water from the top of the pot so that water reaches the plant’s roots.
-Wait until a layer of water has formed on top of the soil before watering again.
-If your orchid seems dry even after waiting several hours, then you may need to water more frequently.

2. Underwatering orchids

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the orchid you are growing and the environment it is in.

However, most orchids should be watered every few days, and occasionally once a week, depending on the amount of rainfall and humidity in the greenhouse or landscape.

Wrapping up the context

In this guide, you come to know that Watering your orchid should be done regularly, but how often exactly depends on the type of orchid you have and how actively it needs water. For example, a cattleya orchid will need more water than an African violet, since they are more active plants.

Generally speaking, most orchids will need about 1 inch of water per week in order to keep them healthy and flowering. I hope you understand the guide properly.

Thanks for reading! Happy Gardening!


When should I water my orchid?

Orchids need water regularly, but there is no set schedule. Some orchids may need 1-2 gallons per week, while others may only need a quarter-sized amount. It is best to check the plant’s own water needs by gently pressing down on the leaves.

If they feel heavy, then the plant probably needs more water. If the leaves feel light and crispy, then the plant probably doesn’t need as much water.

What is the best way to water an orchid?

Watering orchids is a delicate process that needs to be done correctly in order to keep them healthy. Here are some tips on how often to water them and when to do it:

– Water orchids every day, but only if the soil is dry. If the soil is too wet, it will spell doom for your orchid.
– Use room-temperature water instead of cold water when watering orchids. Cold water can shock the plant and kill it.
– Never water orchid roots with water that has chlorine in it. Chlorine can damage the roots and leaves of an orchid.

How often should I water my orchid?

If you have a healthy orchid with mature roots and good drainage, you should water it once a week in the spring and summer, and every other week in the fall and winter.

Do orchids need a lot of sunlight?

The answer to this question largely depends on the species of orchid. For some, like the Phalaenopsis orchid, which is native to warm climates, supplemental sunlight may not be necessary. In contrast, orchids grown in cooler climates may require more sunlight to thrive.

Additionally, some orchids benefit from misting or wetting their leaves once a week. While there is no definitive answer, following these guidelines should help ensure a happy and healthy orchid.

How do I know if my orchid needs water?

The first step in caring for your orchid is to determine if it needs water. Simply remove the pot from the orchid and gently twist it – if it feels dry inside, then the orchid needs water. If the pot feels wet, then the orchid probably does not need water at this time. Keep in mind that orchids will dry out quickly if left unused, so be sure to give them a drink every few days.

If you’re not sure whether your orchid needs water, place it in a bowl of cool water and wait until the roots start to sink. Once they do, submerge the orchid completely and let it soak for 10 minutes. After soaking, gently remove the pot and dry off the root area before reinserting it into the soil.

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1 Response

  1. Mahmoud says:

    I was looking for such an amazing article for my orchid ????. thanks for writing this

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