Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves: What To Do With Them

Though Plants are important creatures in the garden area whether indoors, or outdoors, also, they add value to your area too. Sometimes the plants face issues like brown spots and yellow foliage, but no worries. Hey folks! I am Anna Scott, a Gardener holding 15 years of gardening experience. I am here to help you out with the causes and prevention of the brown spots on anthurium plants

Anthuriums are stunning plants in the garden area that produce vibrant and glossy leaves in the plant. It develops pink, purple, and white colored blooms in the plant that looks lovely to visitors. They are not only eye-popping but also give a refreshing appearance to the plant.

Observing brown spots on the Charming leaves will be a nightmare for the gardeners. There can be various reasons behind the brown spots on the anthurium leaves. Some of them are overwatering, over-fertilizing, underwatering, bacterial wilt, etc ruin the growth of the plant. 

Brown spots on the leaves indicate that there is a change required by the plant in its screening routine. Moreover, it is not a big deal as it can be prevented. I have mentioned the best preventive measures for the plant to fix the brown spots on the anthurium plant leaves.  So, let’s get started to know Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves.

Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves: What To Do With Them

Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves & How to Fix It

Various factors play an important role in the upbringing of the plant in your garden area. Just like water, light, soil, humidity, etc, if not fed in proper quantity, then it is suggested to maintain it, otherwise there will be damage to the plant. 

Wilting, drying, etc will also help in the plant other than the brown spots on the leaves. So, before proceeding, it is important to know about the causes of brown spots on anthurium plants. They are as follows: 

  1. Excessive direct sunlight
  2. Overwatering
  3. Overfertilizing
  4. Acclimation
  5. Cold stress
  6. Humidity 
  7. Underwatering 
  8. Age
  9. Bacterial wilt 

So, now the causes are mentioned, but an explanation is also required. Let’s move forward to know about it in detail. 

Excess Direct Sunlight

  • Excess supply of sunlight is one of the causes of brown spots on anthurium plants.
  • This plant will grow in shady locations or in sunlight that is below 60%.
  • It will develop wilted leaves in the plant and cause death of the plant. If you do not maintain it.
  • Moreover, if there is less supply of sunlight then it fades the foliage and limits the photosynthesis in the plant.
  • Excess supply of sunlight burns the leaves and causes brown spots on the leaves firstly on the upper leaves.
Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves: What To Do With Them

How to fix: 

It is important to fix the lightning issues by moving the plant to a shady location, or also you can keep the curtain to prevent the bright sunlight into the plant. Check the effect of the light with the help of a light meter. 

If it’s not meeting its requirements, then relocate the plant and keep track of it. Do not prune the leaves after you relocate the plant. Let the plant adapt to the new climatic conditions which will help in growing new leaves in the plant.


  • Another cause of brown spots on anthurium leaves. Excess of everything is bad, that is why it is suggested to provide the appropriate amount of things to the plant.
  • When the gardeners do not follow the watering schedule, then they overwater the plant which affects the growth of the plant and causes brown spots on its leaves.
  • The color of the leaves will fade. Also, if the fruits are not receiving proper water, then it will cause root rot.
  • Which in return causes brown leaf tips and yellow color on the lower leaves. 

How to fix: 

Fix the overwater in the plant by following a strict watering schedule and water the plant when the soil is completely dry. 

Check the moisture of the soil by inserting the finger inside the soil about 1 to 2 inches deep and if it is damp then no need to water the plant, but if it is dry, then is the right time to water your plant. 

Remove the rotten roots from the plant by using sharp and sterilized scissors. Repot the plant to a new location and use potting soil.


  • Overfertilizing is another cause of brown spots on anthurium leaves. This plant requires a good amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus to grow well.
  • Excess supply of these nutrients will cause brown-colored spots on the leaves.
  • Also, the leaves will face yellow colored edges on them which shows the lack of nutrients in the plant. 
  • Lack of nutrients causes stagnant growth in the plant and the newly developed leaves cause light leaves in the plant. 

How to fix: 

Prevent the overfertilizing in the plant to save the plant. It is suggested to spray water on the soil to remove the salt from the plant’s soil.

Reduce or even stop fertilization for about 6 months until the plant begins to produce healthy foliage. Repot the plant and use fresh potting mix for your plant as there is excess soil buildup in the soil. 

Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves: What To Do With Them

Make use of controlled-release fertiliser for your plant but if the condition is too bad, then make use of liquid fertiliser. You have to apply the fertilizer until the plant recovers properly. Dilute the fertilizer strength to 1/4 of the recommended one. 

Do not fertilize the plant during winter as the plant is in its dormant period at that time. Fertilize the plant when the plant is in its growing season and organic fertilizer will help introduce over-fertilization in the plant.


  • Acclimation has a great effect on the anthurium plants which is another cause of brown spots on the leaves of this plant.  
  • When you are unable to control the lighting, temperature, and humidity, if you are growing the plant indoors, there is a problem.
  • The plant needs to grow under controlled climate conditions.
  • When it happens, otherwise then there are brown spots on the leaves of this plant. 

How to fix:

Fix this issue by adapting good climatic conditions for the plant you can buy new anthurium plants from a good seller. 

If you are purchasing it online, then see if it is subjected to cold stress or not before delivery. Also check the proper temperature, and light humidity levels for the growth of the plant. 


  • Pest infestation is one of the common problems of all the plants in the garden. 
  • It contributes to brown-colored spots on the leaves. Pests like Mealy bugs, aphids, thrips, white flies, etc come to the plant to damage its growth.
  • Check the attack of the pests as it may also lead to overwatering or underwatering.
Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves: What To Do With Them

How to fix:

Observe the sides of the leaves to see the pests. If you solve the method stage, then you can easily prevent them. Locate the infected parts as soon as possible. After that isolate that part so that it does not spread. You can handpick them or you can make use of who and spray the water on the leaves to wash them away. 

Every week, Make use of neem oil as the horticulture oil to kill the pests. Isolate the plant for about two weeks so that they do not spread the best to the other house plans. So do not introduce them to the new houseplants before that period. 

Cold Stress

  • Being a tropical plant, it grows best in the temperature range that lies between 59°F to  86°F.
  • If the temperature range is below this, then the plant results from the cold stress, which causes brown-colored spots on the leaves and damages the foliage in the plant.
  • At first, it will cause yellow patches on the leaves that will become brown with time.
  • It will also spread to other parts of the leaves.

How to fix: 

It is important to save the plant, but not expose it to low-temperature conditions for a long period. It will reduce the brown spots on the leaves. Check the temperature requirement of a plant and provide it with an ideal temperature range to prevent cold stress in the plant.


  • Humidity plays a crucial role in the growth of the plant, whereas if there is low humidity, then it will cause brown spots on the leaves.
  • This plant requires about 60% humidity to grow well and if the range goes below 50% then there are brown spots on the leaves without delay.
  • It weakens begin the growth of the plant. 

How to fix: 

You have to improve the level of humidity in the plant by checking it with the help of a hydrometer. If humidity is low, then make use of a pebble tray filled with water and keep it under the pot to raise the level of humidity. 

Another thing to do is to group all the plans and make use of a humidifier to increase the humidity. Moreover, you can move the plant to the bathroom or kitchen with the level of immunity is more as compared to the rooms.

Last but not least, mist the plants on time with water to maintain the level of moisture in the plant. 

Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves: What To Do With Them


  • Another cause of brown spots on anthurium plants is less supply of water.
  • Plant requires a good amount of water to grow well especially when it is growing active in its season.
  • Old leaves in the plant will produce plant spots on its leaves if there is a lack of water in the plant.
  • It will also build if they remain underwater for long especially in the summers when there is hot air outside. 
  • When you do not check the plant regularly to meet its watering requirements, then this happens in the plant which is not good for its growth and development. 

How to fix: 

It is important to keep a regular check on the plant to know its important requirements check the moisture of the soil and if it feels dry, then no need to water your plant whereas if it is damp, then is the right time to give water to the plant. 

Keep the gap between waterings to prevent waterlogged soil in the plant. Choose a well-drained potting mix for the plant that will not let the soil dry out quickly. Repot the plant to a larger pot to prevent this problem. 


  • Brown spots on the leaves do not happen due to a less caring routine only but keep in mind that the plant’s leaves will not last long always. 
  • The leaves will become brown after the plants complete their life cycle. 
  • It is a natural process that causes brown spots on the elaevs. If the old leaves in the plant are dropping, then let it happen. 

How to fix: 

Let the leaves fall, as there is nothing you can do in this concern. Or also, you can make use of sterilized scissors to prune off the damaged leaves from the plant to stimulate new growth in the plant. 

Bacterial Wilt

  • Bacterial wilt is another cause of brown spots on the anthurium plants. This bacteria is caused by the high level of temperature in the plant. 
  • Yellowing of leaves in the plant (Chlorosis) is the first major sign you will observe in the plant. 
  • Bacterial wilt will spread in the plant quickly which affects the system of the plant. 

How to fix: 

Prune off the infected leaves from the plant. These diseases especially spread in the atwr, soil. Introduce healthy plants in the garden and keep them sterilized from any infections. 

Why Anthurium Have Brown Spots On Leaves: What To Do With Them

Another way to control this issue is to clean the pots properly if you want to reuse them. Soak the things in the disinfectant to remove all the bacteria from it. 

How Do You Revive Dying Anthurium Plants?

If there is a dying anthurium plant in your garden area, you can still save your plant. It will be too late if there are brown and crispy leaves in the plants. But during its early stage, it can be revived. Below are the steps to follow to revive dying anthurium plants. They are as follows: 

  • First, check the plant if the plant is underwatered or overwatered. Check the soil of the plant and remove the plant from its pot. 
  • Repot the plant in new and dry soil if the plant is overwatered and the plant needs care to grow. 
  • If the plant is underwatered, Put the base of the plant in lukewarm water to rehydrate the plant by letting it sit in the water for about 15 minutes.
  • After that, remove the excess water from the plant. Also, adjust the level of humidity in the plant. 
  • It can be done by keeping the plants together which will create moisture in the plant.
  • Feed the plant a good amount of sunlight to grow which should be indirect sunlight. 
  • Also, the temperature requirement of the plant needs to be adjusted by moving it to warm locations. 
  • Last but not least, remove the dead and decayed leaves from the plant by either snipping them or pruning them with sterilized scissors.

Summing Up the Context 

In this guide, you come to know that Anthuriums are stunning plants in the garden area that produce vibrant and glossy leaves in the plant. It develops pink, purple, and white colored blooms in the plant that looks lovely to visitors. They are not only eye-popping but also give a refreshing appearance to the plant. Observing brown spots on the charming leaves will be a nightmare for the gardeners. 

There can be various reasons behind the brown spots on the anthurium leaves. Some of them are overwatering, over-fertilizing, underwatering, bacterial wilt, etc ruin the growth of the plant. I hope you are clear with the guide. If not, then read the whole guide again. I will come back with another informative guide for you soon. 

Thanks for reading! Happy Gardening! 


What are the fungal spots on my Anthurium?

The fungal spots on the anthurium show that the plant is infected by a fungal disease named anthracnose. It tends to cause black or brown colored leaves on the plant. It will begin to spread faster in the plant. If you have to prevent it, avoid overwatering in the plant and provide circulation in the plant. 

Should I cut off brown Anthurium leaves?

Yes, cut off the brown anthurium leaves from the plant so that it does not spread to the whole plant which spoils the plant’s growth. It will stimulate new growth in the plant. Yellow-colored elaevs also need to be pruned from the plant for healthy growth of the plant. 

What does an overwatered Anthurium look like?

The overwatered anthurium plants will produce brown textured leaves in the plant. It is not good for the plant’s growth. Brown-colored flowers will also appear in the plant after some time which is not good for the plant’s growth. So, prevent this by watering the plant when its soil is dry. 

Anna Scott

Anna Scott loves gardening and has been doing it for a long time. She wants to help new gardeners learn from her experience. Through her writing, she shares tips and advice on how to make gardens beautiful. Anna hopes her words will inspire new gardeners to succeed.

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