What is Watsonia Bugle Lily Plants? – How to Grow Watsonias?
Are all lilies white? What’s your opinion on this? I guess most of you have imagined all lilies to be white. But you’re wrong, just as I was before I saw Watsonia Bugle Lily Plants.
What are these? If they’re not white, what color do they bloom? How should I grow them? What does Watsonia Bugle Lily need to thrive best? All these questions might be hunting in you, but relax and stay with me.
To find the answers to all these questions, I decided to grow them in my garden, and trust me, they were so beautiful. And if I succeeded in growing them, you can too. Just read through all the methods I used to grow Watsonia Bugle Lily and witness the magic.
Key takeaways:
- Watsonia commonly known as a bugle lily, belonging originally to South Africa, are planted in the late summer to autumn time, after which the blooms appear during the spring and early summertime.
- The flowers of the watsonia species are trumpet-shaped and come in various shades like pink, peach, orange, red, white, and lilac.
- This Iris family( Iridaceae) species needs full sun and grows extremely well in zones 8 to 10, reaching a height of a meter or few feet.
- The favorable regions for Watsonia are cool to subtropical.
- They can be grown from the corms, and hardy bulbs, as annuals and perennials.
- There are many types of lilies you can grow in the garden like Rose Lily Flower, Rubrum Lily, Calla Lilies, etc.
What is Watsonia?
Before proceeding, it is important to know about the exact meaning of watsonia. It is one of the plants that is also known as a Bugle lily or also South African bugle lily.
It is one of the perennial herb loved by the farmers and it grows from corms. This plant is native to the south africa. It belongs to the Iris family or also Iridaceae.
You will be happy to know that various varieties of watsonia can be chosen by you to grow in your home garden. It will produce red-colored flowering stems in the plant, especially at the time of spring.
Various varieties come in the shade of peach, pink, orange, lilac, white, etc. Its blooms will last for a long time. It tends to attract the insects towards them for pollination.
The plant will go into its dormant period with time. Last but not least, the plant will grow best in well-drained soil and full sunlight for its growth.
As perennial
In case, Watsonia is planted as perennial, you are required to plant corms in the late summer so that they grow through the early winter.
As annual,
For watsonia to be grown as an annual, you need to make sure that dry, cool conditions are available. You can replant the corms in springtime after digging out the corms in the fall season.
How do you grow Watsonia species?
Grow Watsonia from seeds :
To grow the watsonia plants, the seeds are needed down to the depth of 3mm in autumn. Normally, the watsonia species grow out from seeds and take three years until the first flowering phase.
Soil- moist, drained, and well-manured. Full sun is needed.
Grow Watsonia indoors:
To grow watsonia indoors, you need to start planting approximately 2-3 months before the actual time of planting. Watsonia will take about 2-6 months to germinate. Finally, after the last frost of the spring season, you can safely transplant it outdoors.
Grow Watsonia outdoors:
- You can directly plant watsonia into the soil at a depth of 10- cm in the autumn season.
- The bulbs can be planted in April and May.
- Soil-well drained, exposed to the sun.
- Watering- not regular, need winter rainfall
- Fertilizer- organic, regular limited supply seems to be effective for the growth of Watsonia.
- Watsonia species can be grown by planting corms. But, the important thing is that corn should be planted in a well-spaced area, that is not clumsy with other plants.
How to plant Watsonia in your Garden?
You can easily plant watsonia in your home garden with the help of the following points that are explained symmetrically. They are as follows:
- As you know it is a bugle lily, so neer to remain protected from the frost.
- At the time of spring, you can plant them by placing them in a warm location.
- You can begin to grow them after the frost has passed. It will give them an amazing start.
- They can also be grown directly in the garden At the time of early May.
- You have to choose a location that has full sunlight exposure.
- The soil should be well-drained and humus-rich.
- Then you have to plant those corms about 15 to 20 cm deep by keeping the pointed face upwards.
- Keep in mind that you are providing space of about 15 to 20 cm to the corms so that there are fewer chances of infection.
- You have to keep the bulbs hydrated when they grow so that you receive healthy plants.
- The soil should not remain dry for long as it can cause issues in the plant.
- This plant likes to remain in the moist soil but is not waterlogged.
- When you see that the plant has flowers, then you have to off the flowerhead and the dead foliage at the time of autumn.
How to Care for Your Watsonia Bugle Lily Plants?
As mentioned, I will let you know about the best caring tips for Watsonia in your home garden. They are explained beautifully in your home garden. They are as follows:
- Watsonia plants don’t need much care, they are easy to grow.
- Give a little trim to the parts of Watsonia after the dying period starts i.e. after the flowering season. This will let them grow better and restart fresh.
- You have to make use of compost and coarse sand for your plants to provide them with extra nutrients.
- Being a maintenance plant, they will not ask for much water so provide them with moderate water.
- Water the plant only when the soil becomes fully dry.
- They are not heavy feeders, but you can fertilize them with the composed when you plant them.
- Also provide them with fertilization one time in a month, especially at the time of spring and winter.
- Do not prove the plant much as they do not like to be pruned.
- It is one of the pest-resistant plants.
- You can easily propagate this plant with the help of seeds that can be purchased from the market.
- You can place these plants in the borders or even in the large pots that will make an amazing garden look.
- Last, but not least, they will suit best as the cut flowers.
- Providing these plants with full light will help them grow at their best.
Propagation of Watsonia Bugle Lily Plants
You can propagate watsonia by division of cormels at the start of the spring season. Simply live and separate the newly formed corms to increase the growth of lilies.
Uses of Watsonia Bugle Lily Plants:
- The benefits of watsonia are usually as ornamental flowers, which can be used in bouquets for gifting purposes.
- They are perfect to create some aesthetic vibes in the corner placed in a beautiful vase or a white-colored pot.
- It has been analyzed that they don’t have any medicinal use but decorative uses only.
Problems of Watsonia Bugle Lily Plants
- The watsonia is a self-sufficient plant, growing in sun-kissed spots, chances are less they would be infected by fungus.
- Aphids seem to attack the Watsonia species.
- These plants grow a lot quicker so Watsonia should be well stalked after they have grown enough. Another problem that is seen regarding Watsonia is invasiveness.
- Watsonia causes skin irritation in many cases, while they are growing.
- Many allergic reactions are also noticed to be caused by Watsonia.
For more such plant-related articles, you may also read, How to fix overwatered Peace Lily?- Symptoms and Advice
Wrapping up the context
This article was all about providing the best overall information about the Problems of Watsonia Bugle Lily Plant to you guys. Here, you came to know about growing, caring, propagating, benefits, and all the problems related to garden plant Watsonia. By now, you are aware that watsonia grows well from corms too, in sunny, moist, and well-drained soil. Hope you find this effort helpful.
Thanks for reading! Happy Gardening!
Is Watsonia Hardy?
Saying Watsonia is hardy would be wrong, but they are partial hardy that is grown in the garden, in pots, or lifted much. It is usually advised by the expert gardeners to keep the watsonia inside the house during the winter.
Is Watsonia poisonous?
Watsonia species apart from causing skin and allergic reactions, are seen to be harmful to the livestock, as they graze on it, particularly for the species- bulbil Watsonia. The matured Watsonia is more toxic than the young shoots. The stock also avoids munching on the matured ones due to the length of the plants.
Can you grow watsonia in pots?
Yes, you can grow watsonia in pots same as to grow zucchini in big pots of 12 inches with some extra care. You will need to provide them with regular water at an optimum level, and organic fertilizer but notice that it is not too much.
What is the soil ph for growing Watsonia?
Watsonia grows well in acidic to the neutral(5 – 7.5 range) soil type, which is well-drained.