The Best Snake Plant Soil of 2024-Game changer

I was so frustrated to spend my money on potting soil, but still, the snake plants were not thriving. I felt like I had wasted my money, and I want to make sure that you don’t repeat the same mistake.

Plants need some basic elements for growth such as water, light, humidity, soil, and temperature, just like human beings. Without these, you cannot expect a plant to grow healthy and beautiful.

Here, I have explained some of the best snake plant soils that I have personally implemented on my plants, and you will be shocked to see the results. They were looking healthy and green. So, if you want to save your money and your plants, continue reading the article.

Snake plants:

  • The snake plants are called mother-in-law stung which is a popular and Hardy house plant having stiff, sword-like leaves.
  • They can be found in different varieties which have green banded or stripped leaves having yellow or cream borders on them.
  • The snake plant is native to Africa. They are easy-to-grow house plants that can survive in low light and drought conditions which makes them a great tolerant of drought that can survive for a long period with less water.
Common NameSnake plant, mother-in-law plant, mother-in-law’s tongue
Botanical NameDracaena trifasciata
Plant TypeEvergreen perennial typically grown as a houseplant
Mature Size6 inches to 12 feet tall in native habitat depending on variety; typically 2 feet tall when grown as a houseplant
Sun ExposureSun to part shade
Soil TypeSandy, well-drained
Soil pHSlightly acidic to slightly alkaline
Bloom TimeSpring
Flower ColorWhite
Hardiness Zones9–11 (USDA) 
Native AreaWest Africa
ToxicityToxic to cats and dogs

Soil for snake plants: 

It is very necessary to have the right type of soil mix that should match with your growing condition but it depends upon manufacturers like how much light you offer to the plant, what type of soil mixture you use, and the amount of water you give. 

Some important mixes provide proper drainage for indoor plants such as you didn’t soil mix or cactus mix. But only drainage wool is not enough for the plants to grow the soil should be well draining as well here only the most famous soil mix fails.

The following are some soil mixes that are best for growing snake plants in your garden:

  1. Tropical Succulent Soil Blend 
  2. Desert Succulent Soil Blend
  3. DIY Mix with Pumice

Tropical succulent soil blend:

  • The tropical and soil blend are designed in a way to be used to grow in hot and Sunny windows
  • In case you are going to snake plant in low light then you can add desert seculant soil blend.
  • For using the soil you need to take out straight from the bag and use it. Here are some reasons why the soil mix is wonderful.
  • It does not consist of any peat moss so using the blank is environmentally conscious.
  • The soil mix contains coco coir and coco chips instead of peat moss.
  • The soil mix consists of good organic matter as well as real ingredients like alfalfa meal, flax seed meal, and rock dust which help to add nutrients to a plant for healthy growth.
  • The tropical succulent soil blend consists of a mycorrhizal inoculant that helps in improve the plant health and increase the resistance against diseases.
  • Charcoal is also added to the mix which helps to increase the root for a healthy root system.
  • You need to select the soil mix according to the variety of the plant. After using the soul mix you will observe the difference between the healthy and vigor of a plant.
The Best Snake Pant Soil of 2024 

Desert succulent soil blend:

  • If you are using a place that has low light conditions then the desert succulent soil blend is best for growing them.
  • The conditions you need to consider for a place to be a lower light is a plant that is in front of a window that does have zero direction light and only indirect light.
  • The place where you are growing the snake plant should be away from a window.
  • It is okay if the plant is placed a couple of feet away from the window as the intensity of the light drops automatically.
  • The meaning of low light is a place that has a 100-foot candle of light or less than it is considered low light.
  • A place where the light intensity is higher than 100 food candles is not a low condition.
  • Using the soil mix helps in minimizing the risk of root rot as using soil for snake plants allows plenty of air to be there at a root ball and is capable of holding enough moisture for healthy root growing.
  • Make sure to avoid growing the snake plant in a place where low light and soggy soil is having poor drainage. All these conditions will damage your roots and increase the condition of root rot.
  • Using the desert succulent soil helps to avoid the issue of drainage as there is a good amount of air available for the plant.

Diy snake plant soil mix:

  • Deciding to make the snake plant soil by yourself than it can easily create a mix at your home.
  • At first, you need to simply take the potting mix that you use commonly new garden and add some amount of pumice to it.
  • Basically, pumice is a volcanic rock that does not float, and the top of the soil just like perlite is used to float after watering the plant.
  • The best soil for snake plants is made by using two parts of either an all-purpose mix or cactus mix and one part of pumice.
  • In case the growing condition for snake plants in your location is having high light then you can use the all-purpose mix and if plant growing is done in lower light situations then you can use cactus soil mix.
  • I mostly trusted the one-by-four-inch horticulture pumice from bonsai jacks which is a clean volcanic rock that is available in consistent size every time.
  • There are many factors that all together result in healthy plant growth such as idle type of soil mix correct light perfect pot size. the type of pot you using and the watering schedule.

Symptoms for Wrong Soil:

The snake plant also known as Sansevieria trifasciata that considered tough and undemanding for the soil needs but this does not mean using the wrong soil mix which will create many issues regarding the plant’s health. To take care of the snake plant you need to add a good soil mix. Here are some symptoms the plant will show if you have used the wrong soil for the snake plant:

Slower Growth:

  • The snake plants are used to grow quickly if you have used a proper soil mix. 
  • In case you find the plant is not going quickly it may be the symptom of using the wrong soil mix. 
  • Always use all mix that is light and well-draining for example leca balls which help in the growth of healthy plants.

Roots Getting Too Wet:

  • The plant is used to grow healthy in well-drained soil with does not remain soggy for too long.
  • Having the sign of getting the soil too wet would be because of using the wrong soil mix.
  • Before using the soul mix you need to check the ingredients of the bag to know if the soul mix drains well or not.
  • To avoid getting of root too wet you can add extra perlite or pumice which will help in drainage.

Pale Leaves:

  • Having glossy deep green leaves is a sign of good snake plant health.
  • In case the leaves are growing with having pale or yellow color this could be because of the wrong soil mix.
  • Using a soil mix that is too dense and does not drain quickly makes the soil not to get the right amount of oxygen these all conditions will cause the leaves to look pale or yellow.

Wilting Leaves:

  • Having the condition of the soil mix dense and not draining properly the leaves will start curling, wilt, or droop that is because the soil is holding too much moisture and is not able to get sufficient amount of oxygen.
  • Having the leaf of the plant wilting it’s high time to change the soil mix.
  • Selecting the right soil mix for your plant is the key to ensuring quick and healthy growth of the plant.

If you find any of these symptoms in the plant you need to change the soil mix as soon as possible so that the plant gets the chance to come back.

If you are a garden beginner and don’t know which is the right soil for snake plants you can use leca balls.

Leca balls: are a type of expanded clay that is used in hydroponic gardening and is perfect for snake plants as it is lightweight drains well and provides good aeration to the plant soil. Having a soil mix with all these qualities will reduce the compaction and prevent from causing root rot condition.

Using the leca balls is a great choice for selecting soil for snake plants it will maintain the soil health and growth. Using the soil helps in managing the balance of drainage and aeration.


I have mentioned some best soil for snake plants that you can select according to your location and the needs of the plant. Just need to remember that there are environmental factors also which cause the above-mentioned symptoms full stop you also need to take care of underwatering and over watering providing the plant with high sunlight or less light lack of nutrients, low temperature, and humidity.

So, find the main reason then go for the soil mix.

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