Purple Annual Flowers: 15+ Purple Annual Flowers for your Garden
Am I the only one obsessed with purple color? Or it’s you also? Due to my obsession wanted to find and bring as much as purple in my garden.
Are you finding it funny? But it’s possible. Many flowers bloom in shades of purple, from pale lavender to the darkest violet, but it can be somewhat difficult to achieve, depending on your location. The flowers are beautiful without a doubt, and sometimes you need more moody colors to make your garden stand out. According to my experience, the bold, purple blooms are perfect to achieve this view.
Quick takeaways:
- These colors of the flowers attract flower lovers but they also attract butterflies, insects, pollinators, and hummingbirds.
- Purple annual flowers are purple as per their name and are famous because of their uniqueness.
- These flowers look very attractive and beautiful when they are grown.
- As people are becoming eco-friendly and for them now gardening has become a hobby to garden varieties of plants or flowers and purple annual flowers are one of them.
- This color adds joy and happiness to our lives and when these flowers bloom or grow, these colors add elegance and beauty to the garden.
Let’s learn about them.
15+ purple annual flowers for your garden
Here are some of the purple annual flowers some of them are as follows:
- Purple geranium
- Morning glory
- Annual vinca flower
- Inpatients
- Mattiola
- Snapdragon
- African daisy
- Sweet alyssum
- Lilac eye dianthus
- Petunias
- Calibrachoa
- Cornflower
- Purple daisies.
- Geranium is a classic and purple flower is an easier flower that can grow.
- Purple Geranium needs full partial sun to bloom.
- These purple annual flowers need average water to grow.
- This flower can grow on any soil.
- This flower has an open arrangement of petals with 5 petals of open clusters.
- These flowers are good for hanging baskets and can grow quickly and easily without any disturbance.
- This flower grows in full sun and needs average water to grow.
- This flower can grow in any soil condition.
- These purple annual flowers grow as scaling vines with this purple blossom.
- This flower opens into a saucer shape.
- This flower grows in the morning that’s why this flower is named Morning Glory.
- This flower doesn’t need much care and looks very beautiful when it blooms.
- Annual Vinca flower grows in full sun and needs average water.
- It can grow in neutral soil.
- The five petals of the annual vinca flower have white eyes or it has a central dot on the petals.
- It also has teardrop petal shapes as this flower is easy to recognize and this flower needs a hot climate.
- These are purple annual flowers with shady spots.
- This flower can grow in slightly acidic soil.
- They need average water to grow.
- This flower is well known for its daring bloom and needs less maintenance.
- The petals of this flower open up to a bright yellow center.
- This flower can’t grow in full sunlight as it needs less light compared to other flowers.
- This flower blooms in cool weather and needs full sun and average water to grow
- This flower doesn’t have the same vibrant purple color.
- These purple annual flowers have a wonderful perfume smell that attracts visitors or gardeners.
- This flower doesn’t need a hot climate as it grows in cold climates.
- It grows in the winter seasons.
- These flowers best grow when barley covers the soil with seeds.
- They need water twice or once a week.
- This flower brings color to the garden and this flower needs full sun and needs less maintenance or water to grow.
- These purple annual flowers can grow in any soil condition.
- This flower is a vine-like plant that is well known for its trumped-shaped bloom and purple color.
- Snapdragon can grow straight up and cause the other flowers to grow in the tight form of clusters.
- These flowers grow best in full sunlight and need some well-drained soil.
- African daisy is well known for its vibrant colors.
- These purple annual flowers look similar to western varieties and it is commonly seen in gardens.
- This plant has a more complex structure.
- The flower hails from a sandy or rocky environment.
- This flower needs drained soil and needs less water.
- For this plant, climate doesn’t matter for this plant at all.
- Sweet alyssum flower is tiny in size and makes lovely boundaries.
- These purple annual flowers grow in large clusters and bloom in light or small purple color with 4 to 5 petals.
- This flower needs partial sun and doesn’t need much water to grow.
- This flower can grow in hot areas and needs drained soil.
- This flower needs partial sun and needs average water.
- Lilac eye Dianthus is a great addition to the gardens.
- These purple annual flowers give a homey feel.
- This flower is versatile in all environments and conditions.
- Make sure when the soil is dry water the soil.
- Also, add some fertilizer every 6 to 8 weeks to help the flower to grow fast.
- Petunias need less maintenance and can easily grow.
- This flower needs full sun and needs average water for maintenance.
- This flower has rich purple petals which are in unique shape.
- Petunias have open petals that attract the eye of the people.
- These purple annual flowers need much maintenance and care as this flower grows very tall perennial flowers.
- This flower needs higher maintenance and moisture and even requires regular fertilization.
- Calibrachoa needs full sun and needs average water for maintenance.
- These purple annual flowers can grow in any soil condition.
- This flower needs a little more maintenance.
- This water should be kept in a pot or container for moisture.
- This flower needs hot areas to grow and needs regular fresh fertilization.
- Calibrachoa looks like a small trumpet and it is the center eye of the blooms is yellow instead of black. So this flower has its own charm.
- These purple annual flowers do have a similar shape to carnations.
- Cornflowers do come in vibrant and easy to grow.
- The name is given to the growing weed in fields of corn or wheat.
- They do need full sun exposure and low watering, and they do grow in any type of soil.
- They thrive best in the hardiness zone from 3 to 9.
- These purple annual flowers do look plain when compared to other flowers.
- Purple daisies are simple in shape and color.
- They grow best in full sun and low watering is required.
- These flowers can be grown in any type of soil.
- The flower grows best in hardiness zone from 4 to 8.
If you want to know the price of the flower you can visit here
After reading this article you now have many options for purple annual flowers to be grown in your garden. For growing them you need to make sure to take proper care of them and fulfill their basic requirements for blooming beautifully. You can now select by looking at the images which plant will be suitable for your garden.
How is the fragrance of purple annual flowers?
the purple annual flowers are used to produce dense heliotrope, flat clusters having vanilla fragrance.
What is the name given to purple annual flowers?
verbena is the name given to purple annual flowers that belong to the verbena genus which includes both annual and perennial species.