How to dry Cilantro Leaves? (the fastest ways)

I did grow cilantro plants in my garden but didn’t know how to dry them, which prevented me from preserving them for a long time but I really want to preserve them. What do you think I should do next to keep cilantro leaves? For that, you need to continue reading this guide to the end.

Here, I’ve explained different ways that will help you dry cilantro leaves, so keep reading to learn which drying method is best for you and to keep your cilantro preserved for a longer time. After reading this guide, if you still have any issues, feel free to ask me in the comment section.

Quick takeaways:

  • It is easy to dry cilantro leaves with the help of an oven, a dehydrator, and even a microwave. The process is explained below.
  • Sprinkling some dry cilantro in soups, salads, or any other dish can simply be satisfying to taste buds.
  • Drying cilantro just seems like a big task, trust me! It’s super easy if done right and followed the steps correctly. Stay tuned for the fastest ways of drying the cilantro leaves.

Do you know how to dry cilantro leaves, then it is great. But if not, then I will let you know.

How to dry Cilantro Leaves? – Some fastest possible ways

1. In an oven 

One of the ways to dry cilantro leaves is the use an oven. Follow the below steps:

Step 1: Spread the bunch of cilantro onto the plate, take a little bunch, and wash it thoroughly with normal water at room temperature. Repeat this till the whole bunch is washed thoroughly. Clean all the dirt and chemicals if any.

Step 2: Pat dry the cilantro with a paper towel gently or soft thin cloth instead of sprinkling that hard. 

Step 3: Set the temperature setting on the oven at 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Preheat the oven. 

Step 4: Place the parchment paper on the baking tray. Tear the leaves apart from the stems of cilantro, and place the leaves in a uniform layer on the tray. Spreading evenly.

Step 5: Put on the gloves and place the tray on the middle rack of the oven for proper heat circulation.

Step 6: Let the leaves get dry for 30 minutes inside the oven. Keep the tray inside for more minutes.

Step 7: After the leaves cool down(after 10 minutes), crush them into small pieces with dry hands or a spoon. You can also use the edges of a spatula to collect the leaves together and put them in an air-tight container. Store them for 3-4 years. Use it whenever you like. 

2. In a microwave 

One of the other ways to dry cilantro leaves is the use a microwave. Follow the below steps:

Step1: Wash off the dust thoroughly from the cilantro, rubbing gently with the fingers under runny water. Using a paper towel dry or pat dry the cilantro.

Step 2: Now take a dry microwave-proof plate, lay a paper towel on the plate, and place the leaves evenly forming a single layer. Place another paper towel above this layer. 

Step 3: The plate needs to be microwaved for at least 2 minutes at a high setting. Take the plate out of the microwave and let it cool down for one minute. 

Step 4: Store the cilantro leaves in an air-tight container for 2-3 years without any worries and enjoy them when you want. 

3. In a dehydrator  

One of the ways to dry cilantro leaves is the use of a dehydrator. Follow the below steps:

Step 1:Wash the cilantro under cool water, and clean off the dirt with your hands rubbing over the leaves with your fingers. 

Step 2:Pat dry the leaves with a paper towel and remove the leaves from the cilantro stems.

Step 3: Make a single thin layer of leaves on the dehydrator tray and then close the dehydrator. Now with the temperature of 43 degrees, celsius dehydrate the cilantro leaves for 60 minutes. If the leaves are still not dried thoroughly and seem less brittle, drain for another 30 minutes

Step 4:Store them in the air-tight container for 2-3 years and use them whenever you like to have some on salads, guacamole, soups, etc. 

How to air dry cilantro?

Air-drying cilantro will keep the essential oil in cilantro intact than heating it in oven and microwave temperatures. Instant heat can give you quite good results but slow drying, just like slow-cooked food has more benefits. So if you want to air-dry the cilantro here is how you will do it. 

  • Wash the bunch thoroughly or separate the bunch into small ones, so the dirt is washed well. 
  • Tie the end of the stems with a string or gauge wire. Do the same with all the bunches. 
  • Keep the bunch thin and not too dense, so that air circulates and passes between the leaves. 
  • Hang the bunch on a string with the string upside down for a few days and let them dry properly. You can place the brown paper bag over the bunch so that dirt doesn’t get deposited
  • Crush them or store them just like that in an airtight container

How to dry cilantro after washing?

Whether you have bought the cilantro from the supermarket or picked some from the plant in your herb garden, you need to wash it thoroughly. The supermarket’s cilantro needs to be cleaned properly as many buyers touch these and even the workers.

As you have washed the bunch of cilantro properly, detach the leaves from the stems carefully with not much pressure as the fuller expanded leaves dry well. 

You need to place these leaves on a baking sheet or a parchment sheet. With this, keep the oven ready with a 240-250-degree setting. The leaves are well apart and the layer is single before placing it inside the tray inside the oven.

After putting them inside the oven, heat the leaves for at least half an hour (30 minutes). As the leaves get dry, crush them using a flat spoon or spatula. Make tiny pieces and add them to a dry container. Use them whenever you want and store them for 3-4 years

Dry cilantro vs fresh

Don’t get confused if you still want to add some fresh cilantro. In the other situation, you want to add dry cilantro but not overuse it. In such a case do this- use about 2-3 tablespoons of dried cilantro and about 4-5 tablespoons of fresh-cut cilantro leaves.

You all can agree fresh leaves have a little different flavor than dried ones. So what better if we blend both and get the best of both worlds with goodness? 

Even though if you want to add equal parts of dried and fresh cilantro that still is fine, it all depends on your wish and taste. 

Final words of the context

So, by now you surely are aware that The fastest ways of drying cilantro include drying them in an oven, dehydrator, or microwaving them. You need to set the temperatures right and layer them well, drying cilantro is just a simple game for you, so easy to clear and pass. The air drying of cilantro is slow though but you surely get some good healthy results from that as well. Follow the steps and methods that suit you and enjoy the yummy dishes with cilantro.

Happy eating! Happy drying! 


1. How long does it take to air-dry cilantro?

Air drying is a slow process and cilantro takes much more time to dry than other quick methods. The nutritional value of air-dried cilantro is more. Depending on the sunlight and wind conditions the cilantro can take about 3-8 hours for drying. 

2. Does cilantro dry well?

Cilantro leaves are thin and dry. The cilantro is easy but the shape gets distorted as the leaves wilt and curl at high temperatures or as they dry. 

3. Can you dry cilantro in an air fryer?

Yes, you can dry the cilantro in the air fryer by preheating it at 360 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 minutes and adding the washed cilantro leaves into the fryer, doing spin dry in the spinner. Make sure you use the paper towel in the pan before placing the leaves. 

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