Kratky Method – Mason Jar Hydroponics Guide in 6 Steps
Hey folks! Do you know What is Kratky Method? It’s simple and effective to start your garden with mason jar hydroponics. For your hydroponic garden, you may use practically any kind of container, but using mason jars is convenient because most people already have them on hand, and if not, they’re an inexpensive item to buy. A little dirt, some water, and some seeds are all you need.
Quick takeaways:
- Mason jars is convenient because most people already have them on hand. It is easy to use the Kratky method.
- First, you have to clean the mason jars so that you will be able to decorate them. then add some of the Rockwool cubes to it. Give enough light to your plants so that they thrive well.
- This method is easy to set up and additionally, it might be a fantastic opportunity to teach youngsters about hydroponics and how to produce their food.
This article includes all the basic information regarding this method and some simple steps that you can use to DIY.
What is the Kratky Method?
For passive hydroponic plant growth, the Kratky method suspends plants over a reservoir of nutrient-rich water. The non-circulating nature of the approach eliminates the need for further applications of water or fertilizers, as well as the necessity for pumps, energy, and water and oxygen circulation systems.
Both commercial food production and small-scale, low-maintenance home gardening can benefit from the Kratky approach. The simplest hydroponic system, according to one description.
What is Hydroponics?
Vegetables, herbs, and other plants are grown hydroponically, a method that eliminates the need for soil. Although there are many different hydroponic systems available, the Kratky technique is the most like deep water cultivation but excludes the air stone.
It’s a simple approach to begin hydroponically growing plants without the need for pumps, sprayers, or other complicated setups.
Kratky Method: Mason Jar Hydroponics Guide in 6 Steps
Once you get all the necessary components, now let’s move further on the simple steps used for the setting up of this method easily.
1. Make Sure to Clean Your Mason Jars
Make sure the mason jars are thoroughly clean before utilizing them for a different project or for keeping food.
If not, any stink might go to your plants through the water and fertilizer solution, which wouldn’t be very beneficial. Regardless of how new they are, make sure to clean them well before using them.
2. Wrap or decorate the jars’ exteriors
Growing algae may be a significant issue with hydroponics. Since mason jars are transparent, algae will have easy access to light and will be able to develop rapidly once it arrives.
We must cover or paint the jar outside to prevent this growth. To cover the jar, you may either use something like this cloth or simply buy some black paint at the shop.
3. Pre-germinate seeds or add them to Rockwool cubes
Even though growing plants in a mason jar is relatively easy, you’ll need to choose whether to start your seeds before or after adding them to the jars. While it is possible to germinate seeds before placing them in the jars, it is also possible to sow seeds straight into Rockwool cubes and then add nutrients once the seeds have subsequently sprouted.
Alternatively, you may start the seeds elsewhere and move the young plants (also known as seedlings) into the mason jars whenever they are ready. Your net pot’s size will determine if you need to add any additional material to fill in the remaining space. Hydroton pebbles, which are enlarged clay pebbles, are the greatest remedy for this.
4. Put a net cup in water after adding more water
Fill the container with water until the Rockwool cube is just touching the surface if you are beginning from seeds.
To prevent the plant from drowning as the germination process progresses and the roots grow, you must leave space for air.
5. Make Certain That Your Plants Receive Enough Light
Even if a south-facing window could receive adequate light, it probably won’t be enough for the plant to mature. To make sure there is enough light to develop plants, use these affordable grow lights as artificial lighting.
6. Adding Nutrients
Although seeds include everything a plant needs to germinate and begin growing, they still require additional nutrients after germination.
This is where plant food and hydroponic liquid fertilizers are useful. It’s time to add some fertilizers to the water after your plants get their first genuine set of leaves.
Other things that you can grow in Mason Jar |
It’s a terrific idea to grow herbs, lettuce, salad greens, leafy vegetables, and tomatoes in a mason jar. You shouldn’t, however, grow something substantial like a tomato plant in a mason jar since it is little. Some of the things are: 1. Lettuce 2. Spinach 3. Cilantro 4. Chives 5. Basil |
What are the Components needed for this method?
Here is the list of tools and other requirements you need for setting up this method.
Jars: If you don’t want to purchase quart jars with wide mouths, you could already have some larger jars in your home, possibly from coffee you purchased or other items.
Rockwool Cubes: The easiest and most convenient for seed germination are these, however, oasis growing cubes may also be used.
3-inch net pots: These are the little containers used to store the seedlings and Rockwool cubes. This element keeps the plants alive as they develop into mature plants.
Clay Pebbles: You should place some clay stones at the bottom of the 3-inch net pots to stabilize the Rockwool cubes containing the seedlings.
Hydroponic Liquid Nutrients: This is known as hydroponic fertilizer solution, and it is what causes the plants to grow. It is crucial to hydroponics in every way. The jar is typically filled once with water and fertilizer solution, and then the roots are allowed to take what they require. The roots will also receive oxygen when the solution’s level falls.
Seeds: The last item you need is seeds.
Concluding lines
In this guide, you come to know that the Kratky method suspends plants over a reservoir of nutrient-rich water. The non-circulating nature of the approach eliminates the need for further applications of water or fertilizers, as well as the necessity for pumps, energy, and water and oxygen circulation systems. Both commercial food production and small-scale, low-maintenance home gardening can benefit from the Kratky approach. The simplest hydroponic system, according to one description. So read the guide carefully so that you come to know better about them.
Thanks for reading! Happy gardening!
1. What are the best hydroponic Greens to grow with Kratky?
The best hydroponic greens that can be grown with the Kratky are leafy greens. It is nutrient thick and will grow great with the Kratky method.
2. How to grow hydroponics without soil?
You can grow hydroponics without soil easily as it is one of the common methods which is increasing widely in today’s society. It can be done with the help of Kratky soil.