What are Bat Nuts? – Is bat nut edible? What are the benefits of bat nuts(Water Chestnuts)

Do you know about bat nuts or water chestnuts? Have you ever heard people calling them buffalo nuts? Don’t worry; here, you’ll find all the answers.

They’re called buffalo nuts because they resemble the head of a buffalo. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Indeed, it is. Bat nuts do have a crunchy texture and a mild flavor, often fried with rice and vegetables. Additionally, I discovered some health benefits while growing them that you will know after growing them.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s explore whether bat nuts are edible and understand their benefits in detail. Let’s get started

What are Bat nuts?

Water chestnuts are a floating annual aquatic plant that is hard and is also known as Bat nuts as they tend to have a black color and shape. Do you know why people call it buffalo nut? It is so it attains the shape of the head of a buffalo. Sounds amazing right? You can find them in the market or you can buy them online. They have a very distinctive smell as they grow in water. 

Water chestnut, also known as Chinese water chestnut, is a grass-like plant native to Asian countries such as China, India, the Philippines, and Japan. You can boil them in water and then peel off the black body with the help of a nutcracker, you will find white eating parts that are edible. The taste can be kind of musky. 

They are crunchy and two and a half inches wide and tall. This fruit is eaten by most people during the celebration of the mid-autumn festival. You can eat them by boiling them or you can peel them off and eat them. Do you know why people eat them during this mid-autumn festival? Chinese people call the bat “foo” which means luck, so people eat them during this season so that they can bring some luck to you. 

What are Bat Nuts? - Is bat nut edible? What are the benefits of bat nuts(Water Chestnuts)

Are there any benefits of bat nuts?

There are various benefits of bat nuts which will be stated below in detail: 

1. It helps in adding the Nutritional value

What do you think of bat nuts as a source of nutrition? Water chestnuts are a great source of fiber that helps provide 12% for women and 8% for men.

Studies have shown that eating more fiber can help the lower blood cholesterol of an individual. It adds nutritional value to an individual and keeps him fit. 

2. It improves digestive health

We all need to maintain our health. Water chestnuts are rich in fiber, which helps the body digest food more efficiently.

Fiber also absorbs water, which softens stool and allows it to pass more smoothly. Fiber aids digestion by helping food pass through the colon. 

3. It tends to stabilize the blood pressure

Do you think bat nuts help in stabilizing blood pressure? Studies have found that people who consume high amounts of potassium have a significantly lower risk of stroke and high blood pressure.

The potassium in water chestnuts may reduce the risk of stroke and high blood pressure, both of which have been linked to heart disease. 

4. It helps in preventing the cancer 

Water chestnuts are very high in the antioxidant ferulic acid. The presence of this antioxidant guarantees that the flesh of water chestnuts remains crisp even after cooking.

Scientists discovered that treating cancerous cells with phenolic acids helped limit their development and strengthen their death in a test tube investigation. It can be prevented with the help of bat nuts. 

Are bat nuts edible?

Have you ever thought about eating bat nuts? You should know exactly about it before you can conclude. Can you eat the bat nuts? The dark brown hard pods contain white starchy nuts. Bat nuts are crunchy in texture and mild in flavor and are usually fried with rice and vegetables.

You can boil them in water and then peel off the black body with the help of a nutcracker, you will find white eating parts that are edible. The taste can be kind of musky. 

After cooking, the dried seeds can also be ground into flour to make bread. Bat kernels should not be eaten raw as they contain toxins, but are neutralized when cooked. Some types of seeds are pickled or candied in honey and sugar. They must be stored in a small amount of water in the shade until spring planting. 

Water Caltrop vs. Water Chestnut:

When we talk about water caltrops and water chestnuts, they are not the same because of the crunchy white vegetable roots that are used to serve in Chinese cuisine. It is very hard to distinguish between them. 

Amount of Nutrition present:

They come under a nutritious source because of having high fiber, which is low in calories and has no fat in them. There are chestnuts contain different vitamins and healthy antioxidants such as:

  • Vitamin B6
  • Riboflavin
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Copper

Amount of Nutrients per Serving:

the amount of nutrients present in A half-cup serving of sliced water chestnuts contains:

  • Calories: 45
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 10 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Sugar: 2 grams 

Health Benefits:

The water chestnuts do have many helpful benefits as it contain several antioxidants which help in reducing the risk of chronic diseases and conditions. The following are some health benefits you can get by eating water chestnuts:

Improved Blood Pressure:

  • The presence of potassium in water chestnuts helps in reducing the risk of Heart stroke and high blood pressure in short it helps in reducing heart disease. 
  • People who consume potassium in large amounts do have a lower risk of heart problems.

Cancer Prevention:

  • The water chestnut does consist of several antioxidants which help in reducing the risk of developing any type of cancer. 
  • The antioxidants present in the water chestnuts slow the growth of cancerous cell

Weight Loss:

  • The people who are interested in weight loss eating water chestnuts will benefit them as it has a low-calorie content. 
  • Eating water chestnut does help Fulfilling your hunger without adding any calories to your diet

Digestive Health:

  • The water chestnuts are very high in fiber which helps in digesting the food very effectively.
  • The fibre present helps in digestion by moving food through the large intestine. 
  • They are used to observe the soft water and the stools and passes more smoothly. 

Wrapping up the context 

In this article, you come to know about bat nuts and also their benefits. Water chestnut, also known as Chinese water chestnut, is a grass-like plant native to Asian countries such as China, India, the Philippines, and Japan. I hope this article will be helpful for you all. 


1. Can you gain weight by eating bat nuts? 

Folks, are you worried about your weight? Do you think you can gain weight by eating them? No worries! Bat nuts do not increase an individual’s weight as it is a low-calorie fruit with no fat ingredients that might help you lose weight. 

2. Do water chestnuts cause acidity? 

Are you worried about eating them? No worries! Folks, as we all know that excess of everything is bad. Though these chestnuts contain adequate antioxidants if you eat them in excess, they could drive you toward stomach problems or acidity. But if you eat them properly, you can maintain the hormonal cycle in your body. People eat them during the time of fasting. 

3. Where do bat nuts come from? 

Do you know about their existence and where they originated from? But nuts are found in the hot climatic areas of Africa and Eurasia. In these places, they grow their seeds for more than 3000 years. This fruit structure is similar to the head of a buffalo or a flying bat. 

4. Which one is better, singhara or kuttu? 

As we all know, the flour of singhara is made by grinding it whereas kuttu is a cereal. You can choose the one as per your choice, health-conscious people can go for singhara as it doesn’t contain any fat content. 

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